Gratitude: Happy New year.

I was watching with keen interest as the countdown began.. 8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1... Happy New Year!!!

People were rolling on the floor in church... who can blame them? the type of shege that happened in 2022 can best be described as Shege ProMax Plus. But through it all we emerged successfully. 

The pains, the heartaches, the tensions and all that came with them, the last 6 months of 2022 were abnormal, but through it all, while looking at everyone I was recounting the blessings of the year, lost in thoughts.

I'm a passionate optimist and that is why I look through the storm and find reasons to express my gratitude in every circumstances and I've always emerged successfully through every trial.

As we go through the journey of 2023 let us always look out for reasons to be grateful and celebrate the small wins with the hope that the big wins will follow, as they always do.

Happy New Year lovelies. Thank you for being on this  site and reading through... I am indeed grateful.


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