Here we go again!

Yesterday, a man was apprehended for killing his wife over a fight for bread. Today it was another man who killed his wife over pure water. Pure water oh!
How about the gay guy who was murdered by his partner?

For the past few weeks it's been one relationship saga after another. Husband and wife divorcing, those in relationships breaking up.

It's been a crazy season relationship wise on the internet.
How else can we scream LEAVE  to LIVE?
How else can we talk about violence in relationships?
There's just so much going on.

In the midst of all these craze, there are still beautiful, working and healthy relationships and marriages out there. 
Do not be swayed by what's going on.
True happiness is possible
True love does exist
Believe and trust that it will also come to you.

However, if you're in a relationship and you begin to see red flags, go. Go your way!
It's better you both part ways and even be open to find your happily ever after again than to end up dead.
Do not forget, true love and true happiness does exist.


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