Kids with disabilities

Hubby and I once lodged in an hotel and for the first two days a woman lodged beside and we began hearing screams at intervals, all day and worst at night.
The screaming was quite scary and more intense at night that we lost our sleep. It was at the point of inquiry at the reception that we got to know the woman who lodged besides us was with her son who was mentally unstable.

It wasn't a funny experience and I couldn't help but wonder the emotional toll this situation was having on this woman and her family. How it's affecting the woman in question and her sanity as the primary care giver, her husband, her marriage, her job, her other kids if she has any. As a mother my heart went out to her, imagine watching your child in such a helpless state.

Going by what I heard for those two days, it was very clear that there was no way that woman could handle that boy alone without professional help.
The place of professional help cannot be over-emphasized in cases of children or persons with disabilities. It for one gives the persons better medical assistance for their stability and sometimes some cases if well tended can be so managed that these persons learn to manage and control those disabilities such that one would never know those persons have such disabilities in the first place.
Medical professional help also gives the family much needed relieve as well. The mother to that boy spent all day and night talking and ordering him, trying to contain him. What time would she have to herself to eat, sleep, rest and more?
What if the boy got violent and hurt her?

In the end, I write today, to share in the challenges families with children having disabilities face. 
It's not an easy feat in anyway. I know it's all round challenging and so today my hugs go out to you to warm you up in love for being such strong pillars.
Seek medical help if you can and trust that everything will work out.


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