Mother's Love

There's everything fascinating about mothers and their children. From infancy until death, they do everything within their power to protect, comfort, shield and care for their kids.This special bond has nothing to do with age. 
A woman could have an 80years child but she would still  want to cater to his/here every need. Most of all it seems they've been also endowed with the special gift of exaggerations or blowing things out of proportion.

A funny incidence comes to mind.
In my early teenage years, one day my immediate younger brother came running home and crying.
He had cut his leg badly when he tried jumping over our neighbour's fence while plucking oranges.
Well, Mum almost passed out when she saw his injury. She screamed and cried all through his treatment, fussed over and almost pampered him to death.
Guess what? This happened over 15 years ago but Mum would always have tears in her eyes whenever she recounts this incident.
And she might spend all of that day, calling and pampering him.😂😂😂


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