Nothing but colours

I don't know how my son got into my phone, straight to YouTube and downloaded a cartoon.
Next thing I knew I was hearing funny songs that were sounding almost German or Arabic, I couldn't say.
What caught my eyes however, was the rapt attention my kids were giving to the cartoon and the fun they were having. They tried to sing and dance along in very funny ways.

Watching them, I was struck be how Irrespective of the fact that they barely understood a word from the cartoon, they were having fun.
We all came into this world as those innocent kids and our minds were clean slates until society started writing on it.

The way we've learnt to judge, tribalism, nepotism, favouritism, religious segregation and sentiments, racism and more.
At the base of it all, we're the same. Skin colour don't define us, our level of education, money, creed, class, culture, don't define us either. We are first human before all these therefore look at your neighbour beyond all these dividing lines.


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