The little things

My eyelids flew open as my nose was assaulted by the fresh smell of coffee and  toasted bread. 
Ohhhhhhh my goodness!
Right before me was every woman's dream

Hubby has always and is still is a helpless romantic. He'd always find every little opportunity to surprise me just like he has done right now.
I was sound asleep after a long day yesterday. I indeed slept like a log. So much so that I didn't know when it was daybreak or when he crawled out of bed.

What can I say?
I just smiled, lifted my eyes to the heavens and thanked Baba God.
Sometimes it's not in the big things wrapped with a red ribbon and all.
Imagine marriage that's till death, how many times would one be bouyant enough to be buying the designers?

It's in the little things
Standing in for your partner where he can't, helping to be their strength when they're weak,
Running a warm bath
Helping out with chores, the kids...

Our intentions, those big ones? They also count. Yes they do but spending years to plan a pararan surprise and being there when needed, which one matters most?

As I dug into my meal, I couldn't help but think of how to surprise hubby as well but then, there was one instant thank you gift that was readily available (opa gangnam style😍😍☺️πŸ˜‹πŸ€­πŸ€­). No questions please, this network is busy.


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