All the way...

Everyone around me knows I have serious phobia for anything electricity.
You can't fault me if you've been shocked many times, as well as witnessed it.

This wonderful day, hubby had traveled as usual so I was by myself with the kids.
Picked them from school, we were in high spirits, singing and vibing until we got home.
Went through the usual motions of undressing, having our bath, eating and then we turned the TV on but puuuufffffffff!

Jesu Oluwa ohhhhhhhhh
My kids are not the type to mess with their tv time
In no time the questions had begun flying 'Mummy put on the tv now'
'Mummy we want PJ MASKS'
'Mummy put cartoon '
God being so kind, hubby bought a socket awhile ago
Well, who will fix it?
I had never done it before, not to mention the phobia😭😭😭 and the kids were unrelenting they had even begun to cry.
The next instant, I found myself changing the socket and  hurray, it worked!

You see, when you love a person you can do anything to make them happy.
They say they love you but they can't call? Red flag
They love you but they're very busy for you? Red flag
They love you but can't give to you? Major red flag
There's always an excuse why they can't be there for you? That's the principal red flag
You better run ohhhhhhh!
For the love of my kids I forgot my phobia.
They claim to have love for you? it will show!
Do not settle for less!


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