Feed me right

Time to pick up the kids from school and the teacher was once again telling me how my son needed extra classes and some blablabla to improve his learning.
It almost felt like harassment but then, shrugged it off for my boy's sake.

Fast-forward to December, hubby got the kids tablets as their Christmas presents. Ohhhhhhh how excited they were and trust kids, it was put to work immediately.

Today, went to pick the kids as usual and the teacher gave a very warming complimentary review of his improvement this new session.
This progress could be traced down when he began using his Tab. Of course his Dad loaded it up with educational stuffs, rhymes etc for his level. Simply put, the key was in the constant hearing/repitition.

What do you constantly hear or feed your mind with?
You are a product of what you consistently feed yourself.
You want greatness, feed your mind great stuffs
You want progress, feed your mind with it.
Ohhhhhh, and to leave your mind bland is to mean your mind is fed nothing and will equally birth nothing.

Haven't you had occasions where you didn't like a song but it was kinda popular so you heard it almost practically everywhere, only to catch yourself singing that song after awhile?

Garbage in, Garbage out.


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