If it was me!

'Madam if you do exclusive ehhhhhh, your child will be strong bla bla balablu bulabla'
I decided to join the exclusive gang for my son. Don't ask me how we managed oh but we made it through to the almighty six month. You needed to see how high the shoulder pad of my pride was.

And then my daughter came and the exclusive journey began again. To call it a struggle for my daughter and I would be an understatement. Didn't even last three months and I had to introduce supplementary feeding and before six months she had began eating solids.
Funny thing is my son falls ill more often than my daughter, my daughter eats much more than my son.

How about those who see your method to how you're training your kids, running your home, business or marriage and they have a better or alternative way you would've done it better or smarter or more posh and all?

I once lived with an Uncle who almost got HBP because I wore heels and makeup.
In his books I was just a meter away from hell.
Today, his daughters are all over the place wearing trousers, heels, makeup, fixing wigs and nails ...

Don't let people push you into thinking you're inadequate for doing things in your own way.
Follow the pattern that works for you, your family, your life and your goals.
That's not to say one shouldn't take advice but find and follow the pattern that works for your life. Do not be pressured to do otherwise.


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