The minute I took the call, he burst into tears, talked and talked and talked.
Was I surprised? Of course!
My brother is this cool, all put together guy
Always smiling and jovial
So it was surprising to see him this broken and in tears
Took awhile to calm him down.
He did get himself together again and all I did was give a listening ear.

Sometimes life gets so tough that you don't know what to do.
You never know what your neighbour is going through, 
You never know their threshold for stress, pain, struggles and all
Sometimes all that friend, spouse, child needs is just a listening ear
Whenever you see a person down, it doesn't necessarily mean they want solutions
Be quick to lend a hand
Be quick to comfort
Be quick to give words of healing
Be quick to be there

You never know what your being there can do
You never know how much your little words of encouragement and comfort can do
You just might be saving a life.


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