Mummy where is her penis?

I had bathed and dressed up my son, his sister was next. We just got into the room to dress her up when my son shouted at me while pointing at his sister
      'Mummy Z doesn't have a penis.
       Where is Z's penis?'
To say I was shocked would be an understatement as I wasn't expecting that.
Well, I explained to him the best way I could that his sister was a girl while he was a boy and girls don't have penis.

We look at our kids and box them as just kids without realizing that daily they're growing and observing and would have questions that demands answers from us as parents. From sex, to life in general. Whatever the case it is our duty as parents to prepare our kids, to teach and train them to know about life and everything there is.
We are their guardians, to point them in the right direction.

Kids of this generation are very inquisitive and far more intelligent than we sometimes give them credit for.
If we as parents don't educate them they'd educate themselves.
These questions they ask also affords us the opportunity to train and help them fashion their perspectives into ideas that align with what we know and believe as parents.
They come to us as clean slates and things we tell them are like writings programmed on those slates which they'd run with.

Your kids are not so little. They aren't as little as you think, noooo, they're not too little to understand.
They can hear you and they see you.
If you fail to teach them, the world out their us waiting to imprint anything and everything on their minds.


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