Vote credibility

The debate got so heated that they broke into a fight.
Kunle swore that he would make life miserable for Chidi
While Chidi was on his phone already calling for reinforcement
Abubakar was trying to act as an arbitar but when he saw that the guys were not backing down, he let them have a go at each other.

Within minutes bottles were flying
Drinks splashing
Cuts, scream, people running helter skelter
All because everyone was defending their choice of candidate for the elections.

It went from tribe to religion, financial stamina, connections, influence and affluence, such that when the spring of credibility came into the mix, the others couldn't stand it.

In a few hours we would be deciding who would pilot the affairs of our country and whether we like it or not, directly or indirectly that person would also be piloting our lives.
We have the chance to make a change, to consciously set the stage for our children and the generations after.

No matter how bad things have become, this is our chance to rebuild and transform our nation into what we want.
Rome was not built in a day, yes,
No singular government can wipe out all of our problems but we can make tomorrow a step in the right direction by casting our votes for CREDIBILITY!


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