What would it cost you?

'Don't worry, Uche can do the job of ten men' hubby's employer said when he was asked to employ more staffs as the department was short staffed.

I once worked in a firm where my Boss never paid, gave accomodation or any allowances.
You were only entitled to little commissions after doing a job.

Some employers are terrible. It's either staffs are underpaid, denied promotions, cheated out of allowances, emotionally manipulated and used, refused vacations or holidays, yet the demands they make on the job from their staffs are crazy.
Some even demand for work during the weekend and pay nothing for the extra time. They believe that once you're under their employment, they are entitled to use that staff as they deem fit.

You treat your staffs anyhow, demand that they give you a 100% and wonder why they leave your employment.
Nobody would leave a place where he's well treated.
You treat them well, they'll give you their best.


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