Whatever you do, always give your best!

I was briskly walking back home with so much determination on my face.
The barber had just informed me that the price of cutting my son's hair had doubled.
Whaaaaatttt!? I screamed and when he reconfirmed the increased price I couldn't bring myself to pay so I bundled my son home and automatically became his barber.

Thankfully we had a clipper, so I worked my magic on my son's hair.
As you already have guessed, I had no prior experience at barbing so the haircut I gave him was truly magical 😲😂😂😂. The young chap was unrecognizable.
Praise be the heavens that his hair grows back fast.

Anyway, I wasn't deterred as we went back to the home servicing over and over again and of course, I got better at the craft.
However, today I decided to go give my son the salon treatment again and as I watched them my mind kept processing his gradual transformation. The end result was all shades of gorgeousness and as I looked at him, one lesson clicked.
I was good and always gave him an ok haircut to just get by but the barber gave him a professional cut and he looked breathtakingly handsome so, in as much as I did good, that was all there was to it.

For whatever you decide to do, always deliver at the best standard possible. This would be the distinguishing factor between you and others and would make people naturally flow to you.
Do not settle for just knowing how to do something, 
strive for excellence, 
strive to standout, 
strive to be different.


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