When the evening comes...

'If you touch me again, if you touch me again!' Mr Tobi yelled as his stormed out of the house while his wife knelt begging for forgiveness about another imaginery offence.
He was the man of the house and no one could challenge his authority.
His once cheerful, vibrant and free spirited wife, Martha, was now a walking shadow
His children scamper into hiding the minute they hear the sound of his car.
He was the lion
He was the fight
He was the war.
The kids grew to fear their Dad while sharing a stronger bond daily with their Mum.

Many years past, kids are all grown, 
Mum is going from the house of one child to another. From vacationing to Omugwor and more.
The man of the house has been left to man his house.
Whenever he manages to get through to the kids, they simply send him money.
The other day, Valerie his first daughter got married in the U.S.A and got her brother to walk her down the isle.
Joe his third son has changed jobs and Dad is clueless of his whereabouts

Everyone's living their lives and now Daddy wants to bond.
He tells everyone who cares to listen how his family has abandoned him after slaving for and training them throughout his youthful days.
While he's lamenting, his family members are living their best lives.

The case can be applied to any parent, Dad or Mum or even any family member. You don't shut people out and magically expect them to create time and welcome you with open arms whenever you deem yourself ready.
Bottom line is begin to sow those seeds of love, care, friendship and affection now; that's what you'll be cashing out in years to come.


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