When you call on me!
Lover girl like me,
With my wonderful Nokia phone my Dad got me, I was on top of the world oh.
Then to make things better, I began to have admirers left right and centre.
Then MTN happened!
I'd wait and at exactly 12am, I'd be on the phone talking about global warming, wars, how to relocate to Mars 😂 and alot more educational stuffs.
If you thought I was addicted to my phones and the midnight calls, you probably are right and yes, I should have respected my young life and given myself my well deserved sleep.
But then this was nothing compared to what life became when I met the love of my life.
We would be on calls practically almost all day until we just couldn't, then we'd move to chatting on our Blackberry, and graduated to WhatsApp.
We'd talk until we slept off and continue the minute we wake up.
Love nwatinti was doing us like drugs.
What were we talking about? Only the heavens knew🤷🤷🤷.
God was good to me oh
Love of my life became hubby for life
And as I go off to bed tonight, I'd be sure to tap my phone again to hear Love talk.
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