2023 Elections

There's simply no way around it except to say that our leaders are wicked, selfish and out for nothing but their personal gain and wellbeing.

The news of crazy things politicians have been doing to win the people's sympathy and buy their votes have been eye opening.
Prior to this time, it was business as usual, the political class was sure of rigging so they basically shared peanut food items during the elections and have the people elect and e en re-elect them back into office.

However since the just concluded presidential elections, those running for office have been put on their toes. The tone has changed from sharing peanuts to tangible results to prove one's competence.

Let's take Lagos as a case study, with the elections  just days away, the Lagos state governor decided to authorize the release of impounded cars free of charge with claims that their offences were minor and negligible. Yet an incident made news of a man whose car was impound for nothing so serious and he came begging with his mother for his car to be given him as it was the only means of livelihood for him and his family but the authorities turned a deaf ear and auctioned his car inspite of his mother's tears.

The governor also released over a billion to pensioners, was also seen walking rou s a mall licking icecream and trying to strike up conversations with Lagosians.

How about our wonderful Desmond Eliot?
That one decided to give his constituency a transformer today. Laughable right?

It's not like the leaders are unaware of the needs and plights of the people but have chosen to turn a deaf ear because if they were bereft of ideas or ignorant of the people's need, how did they suddenly become this knowledgeable to do things for the people?
Well, too late for you politicians and fortunately for the people, it's never to late to cause a change.
Therefore henceforth we the Nigerian people choose ourselves, our benefits and progress. We choose to root out all the evil leaders,
We choose to love and care for ourselves by voting the right leaders.


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