Beautiful hearts

There's nothing more beautiful than being the reason for something beautiful.
There's one way of making this happen: GIVING!
The word giving makes most people going in the other direction especially in this economy. They just assume somebody's after their money.
Giving however goes beyond cash.
Ever seen someone who was gifted with true love after having loveless relationships? They soak it up like a sponge.

Giving could mean just being a friend and being there for someone in need
Lending a helping hand, a listening ear, words of advice or encouragement, sharing knowledge, a meal, a smile, a referral and many more are other beautiful ways of giving.

Give of yourself, give from your heart, give with love cos a heart that loves keeps no scores, it's accepting and accommodating.

The reward of giving isn't only one sided you gain the joy of knowing that a person has the reason to smile because of you; you're blessed with great friends; nobody forgets how they've been helped or who helped them
Do well to your partner today by being a helpmeet.


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