
Today, I couldn't help but go all over the place in celebration. No no no no, I didn't win a lottery but today feels that way as it's the birthday of someone who has been there for my family and I. 
Stood by us when others bailed on us, spent his money , tie and energy to get my family smiling again.

We didn't start off this close. In fact we were just colleagues in the office and we went about our work everyday. Of course, God being so kind, I've always had this disposition of giving a smile, being friendly and more.
Many years down the line and my family got into a major problem. Guess who showed up and carried the matter on his head?  Same colleague.

Life presents to us opportunities daily to meet and bond with people. Well, it might not go strictly based on the way we planned but then the emphasis is on being friendly and making ourselves friendly. You never know how or when any relationship will save you.
Life as well, is short, so value every time you have to share. Cheers to all the wonderful persons in our lives, we celebrate you.


  1. There is a friend that is closer than a brother


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