God no go shame us

Ever rendered help to some persons and then encountered a little challenge and they were the first to laugh at you?

Ever gone out of your way,above and beyond just to wipe away tears from a person's eyes,only to have them be the reason you shed tears?

Ever given your last to make a person, only to have the person established and he turns to fight you?

Ever stood by and for a person only to have them suddenly distance themselves from you in your trying time?

Well,I say nobody has a monopoly of anything; good or bad .
Life is funny, it's full of ups and downs and you can't escape it.
No one exists and all his days are filled with milk and honey, 
We all have had challenges and as far as life is concerned, we keep encountering challenges until we breath our last but what's important is
- Never laugh at anyone in their moments of pain
- Be a source of comfort and strength not pain or denying your friend because he's in need.
Be not wear in you well.


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