I'm disappointed!

'I'm disappointed in you'  Jenny exclaimed the minute Kate answered to the call. 
'Kate, it's been almost two months and you can't even call me. You just forgot me. Na wah ohhhhh'

So many persons have used the phrase above when addressing issues. However, most fail to realize that a good communication is a two way street where one must engage in talking, listening, repeating/engaging emotions.
We were taught to conceal our feelings and emotions.

Some person's like Jenny, do not realize the fact that nobody owes them anything and life doesn't revolve around them.
If a person doesn't call, you can call that's that simple.
 Learn to love back
Learn to live every moment to it's fullest
Appreciate everyone who really is always there for you 

It's no time for emotional blackmail.
Everybody is going through something
Everybody is trying their best to be strong and pull through 
If you must call someone today, be the reason they'll all smile.


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