International mother's day!

Everywhere from Facebook to Twitter, social media platforms all buzzing with the status 'Happy international mother's day'.
A beautiful to see that all over the world mothers are celebrated.

Not everyone however fits into this class. That a woman biologically birthed a child doesn't automatically make her a mother. A mother is one who nutures a child with affection, care and love, who in all ways, protects her child and even might be willing to give it all up to see her child happy and succeed. Therefore, an Aunty, cousin, random stranger, might be a better mother than a child's biological mother.

How about those who have no kids due to miscarriages or for whatever reasons, medical or not but have been trying for one? What about the neighbour, Aunty/Uncle who have taken up the responsibility to mother a child? How about the men who are the real ones mothering the child or for whatever reasons have become single parents and are doing well at it?

Today in conjunction with all birth mothers, I celebrate those listed above who are giving their blood and sweat to see that children around them have wonderful mothering experience. 
May love always find you!


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