International women's day

Every social media handle has been going agog in celebration of the women and indeed it's such a blessing.
As a woman, I think about how I have to fit into the million roles, from wife to mother, sister, daughter and the responsibilities that accompany each role.
Rising up early to get things ready for the day, being the last to retire to bed late at night.
Everyday round the clock, you must think about how to properly run your home.

For those who stay at home, it doesn't end with the kids going off to school, you get to do the chores at the speed of light and hope to have accomplished if not all, something significant before their return.
Those who work outside the home have the added responsibilities of running their businesses or working efficiently at their jobs then coming back to play their domestic roles.

Today I choose to celebrate a special group of people who the society have labeled as though they're outcasts 'THE SINGLE MOTHERS'.
These people for whatever reason have found themselves without a partner and as such have been saddled with the responsibility of raising the kid(s) alone.
Even with the presence of a partner, the duty of raising children is not a joke. Not to mention when you have to shoulder it all alone.
You do not get to runaway or escape from the responsibilities and yet you've got to smile and almost always, expected to be at your best.
And then here comes society breathing down heavy on their necks as though they're plagued or something.

Dear single mothers, thanks for holding the fort, thanks for standing strong, thanks for not giving up even when you sometimes breakdown, thanks for being true to yourself, thanks for all you do.
You are special, you're a blessing to your children, you're not second rated, YOU ARE A QUEEN, and we celebrate you.


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