
Overheard a man telling his wife 'It's just pregnancy oh and you're doing like this. My mother had 9 children and it didn't stop her from doing anything. See, pregnancy is not an illness so get up, fix me dinner and take proper care of this house'

The truth however is that pregnancy and child birth is a journey where you're made to walk the thin lines between life and death. 
I remember a lady in my church who midway in her pregnancy, got blind. Her husband funny enough is a Doctor. They went up and down running tests and all, nothing was found, many days later, her sight came back.
Severe headache was the first indicator for me that I was pregnant. Experienced it in the pregnancy of both kids. Then for my second, I developed a very bad ear pain.

There are so many women who suffered pregnancy induced illnesses. Some minor stuffs like headache, weight gain, but others come up crazy and even near death. High blood pressure, low blood pressure, growths, some leading to surgeries and all. Some become permanent illnesses or deformities the woman has to live with.

How about the many changes after delivery? Hair loss, little memory retention, deepened voices, hormonal changes, increase in shoe sizes...
Some others are lucky not to experience these things. They just have the baby and move on, next baby and next and no changes whatsoever.
 A good number of women have stories to tell about what having a child has cost them so wherever you see a mother henceforth, take a minute to appreciate her.

May we live to enjoy our children and children's children.


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