Never forget!

The past week had been filled with loads of activities and topped off by the almighty presidential election.

Of course due to the suspense on and the subsequent outcome of the election, my family was so caught up in the gloom and despair that we forgot yesterday was my brother's birthday.

My brother Em is a very cool guy. He virtually went along with all of us and said nothing until very much late into the day when we remembered. I literally uploaded his birthday pictures on my status by 11:47pm. That's how caught up we all were.

Of course we did our best to make it up to him but it taught me a lesson. Life is never static, you'd always have different experiences which you may not be able to control; the good, the bad and then some but in all these don't forget to live.

The world would never stop for you so live. Do not allow the activities going on around you dictate how you live. Don't get so lost in these things that you wake up to the realization that life might have passed you by. 
There would always be another target at work, there'd always be a new client or project, deadlines can never be exhausted. Don't miss out on the time to be with loved ones, times to care for yourself, time to invest in relationships and more.

No matter what happens make a conscious decision to live and not just living, but to live happy, and to live in the moment because seasons do come and go and nothing can replace time when once lost.


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