Our national anthem; Elluuuupppp! 71.

Thanks to the resilience and strength inbuilt in every Nigerian, we are still surviving the illogical and untold hardship been meted out by our government.

One way the Nigerian people have been able to maintain their sanity is by turning everything no matter how tough, into a comedy. Memes, videos, cartoons, anything and in any form that would make us end up in stitches and rolling on the floor in laughter.

On this backdrop, Nigeria suddenly seems to have a new anthem courtesy of the presidential election.
Everywhere you go
Elluuuupppp! 71

Hungry and angry?
Elluuuupppp! 72
Frustrated about the state of our nation?
Elluuuupppp! 73
More than ready for a change in our nation for the better?
Elluuuupppp! 74
Obi nwa nnem

The new anthem is seriously living rent free in our heads🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's played in clubs, parties and I won't be surprised if it's played  in church tomorrow.


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