Pressure: pepper them!

Loud cheers, music, dancing, having eaten to our fill, we wholeheartedly wished her a happy married life.

Just like the snap of the fingers Onyi became a straight madam. Her husband was blessed to be running a business of his own however, catering for Onyi and and her endless truckload of needs was basically making her hubby go round and round.
Onyi was making new clothes for every Sunday, changing hairdo like water and more.

Many people set themselves up for undue pressure and so, they begin to do all manner of things just to meet up.

Gradually, the finance of the family began to dwindle but that did not stop Onyi. We sure might have met these kind of people who live basically to show people not because they have, but because they want to belong, they want to be seen and they want people to perceive them in some kind of crazy .

Well, I'm writing to inform you that no body really care about all them fake, flashy things 
Today, people are more concerned about what you have to offer as a skill, what you know that they don't and can learn from you...

If all you do is consume and not try to learn, grow, contribute then life is passing you by.  Do not drive yourself into poverty trying to belong or be what you're not cos nobody cares.
Wake up and grow outside that box of yesterday.


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