Crisis Management

So the political unrest - or whaterver-they-call-it-now broke out in Sudan and threw the entire cou try into an u rest of a malevolent and violent nature.  

The actual news is that other countries began to airlift their citizens, beginning with USA. then UK and other European countries.

Unfortunately, we saw a 'receipt' from Abike Dabiri, the Presidential appointed Person to oversee such matters related to Diasporans and all she could do was pay some millions to Buses to transport Nigerians away from Sudan.

One would have thought that having lived in such a place for such a time, she would know better and would eschew all tribal sentiments. Guess what.... wishes are not horses and thoughts may not manifest the same way they are formed.

However, I am profoundly glad that it took the owner of Air Peace, A man from SouthEastern Nigeria, the most marginalised region to donate his airplane at no cost to the Federal government to relieve stranded Nigerians and bring them back home.

If we were in a sane country, he would be showered with encomium and a presidential commendation... But... welcome to Nigeria!


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