Don't be in a rush!

Marriage marriage marriage
Talks of this topic will never die. There's always someone dishing advice, there's one who's all too eager to jump into the ship, meanwhile another elsewhere is praying and scheming to get out of the ship.

After almost playing mediator to a neighbour, I couldn't help but wonder why they're still together.
The man in questions came knocking on our door at about 2am several nights ago to see my Dad. After tabling lots of complaints, bottom line was his wife had decided to leave the marriage.
Less than 24 hours after talking to my Dad, Mr man had reported to other neighbours, his family members living close by have shown up, and just this afternoon it was people from church. 

Guess what? The man going all over the place reporting and making complaints has been nothing but a terrible husband. Has blatantly refused to provide for his young family with a child of less than 1year not for want of money but out of stinginess and wickedness. Right from when his wife was pregnant, she has always been at the mercy of neighbours to eat. Baby came and Mr man told her not to worry that neighbours who'd come greeting will buy everything the baby would need.
At any slight disagreement, he's calling family, telling her to pack out and calling her names.

Marriage is not just about good looks, smooth words, polished and plush lifestyle. 
Who are you getting married to?
What is the quality of that person's lifestyle?
Beneath all the good clothes and makeup, what can you say makes up that person in character?
Are they willing to put in the effort to make things work and build with you or are they going to be calling all and sundry at the snap of the finger?
Are they hot tempered?
Are they reachable?
Can they be reasoned with?
Are they abusive? Not just physically, check mentally as well.
Do they prioritize you or do you have to please everyone around them to be acceptable?...

Before you say 'i do' do you really know the quality of person you want to supposedly spend the rest of your life with?


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