Drum roll for President HAKIMI's gang.

Social media has been going agog with the purported news that Paris Saint-German defender Achraf HAKIMI was taken to court by his wife seeking divorce and half of his assets. However, news making rounds is that he left his wife with nothing as all his assets and properties were long registered in his mother's name.

The interesting part however is that so many persons have taken to social media to praise his action. Those who are claiming she's a gold digger, those who claims he had foresight, those who claims his being a Mummy's boy has paid off, those saying wives aren't to be trusted... So many can of worms opening up, like the man above who wrote that statement online. However, he came back to state that his wife was his own next of kin.

Why get married to a person you can't be vulnerable with? Someone who you can't entrust with your assets, someone you'd have to be plotting and scheming around.

Unless there's a will stating otherwise, the wife is the next of kin. Biblically as Christians, we're taught that upon marriage, we have become one with our spouse. So how do you play against yourself?

My train of thought touches on both gender of spouses. If you're going into marriage scheming to defraud your significant other,shame on you and if after many years you still cannot bring yourself to trust your spouse with all of you, shame as well!

They're exceptional cases where in the marriage you find out that all your partner does is run you down, then by all means possible, do well to hide those assets for the sake of your kids and your days of retirement. But where all things are equal and you begin to play family over your spouse, hmmmmm God help you oh.


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