Excellent, rich, but the answer is a no no.

I was so excited when I discovered a very good fashion designer lived close to my parents.
I had always nursed the desire to learn tailoring but for one reason or the other, majority of which was centred around my kids, I haven't been able to get around chasing it. 
Hubby and I decided to go spend some time at my parents and I was pretty excited when Mum introduced me to this neighbour who was a fashion designer.
She ticked everything for me. She worked from her house so it was just a stone throw from my house, she was crazy good at the craft so much that she even those for people abroad, and most importantly, I could easily keep an eye on my kids.

I happily told hubby about it, and he paid for me to train with her for as long as we'd be at my parents and that's how yours sincerely became an apprentice.
This Lady was so nice, up until I made payment and resumed work and then the fangs came out

Training was supposed to last 6 months but two weeks in, I was beginning to ask myself why I paid or rather, why I chose to learn with her. The two other apprentice I met there began sharing their experiences and all I did was pray for God's strength to help me throughout my stay.

By the end of the month, I took a two weeks break. Resumed thereafter to find that one apprentice had also stopped coming. Two weeks in, the second one also stopped. By the third week of resuming I knew I was done.
To say our teacher was saucy would be the understatement of the year. She would run you down with her words, would give you very terrible attitude whenever she wants to teach you anything. Refused us recording her teachings or writing, was quick with insults and would never pass up on an opportunity to show you she was the teacher most especially when she had clients around. She was quick to gossip about clients and most of all, never really taught us anything except the basics we needed to help her in cutting of finishing dresses.

The two apprentice I met were 5 months gone but couldn't do much. She'd wait for when we were gone to do her proper sewings and designs. We'd resume in the morning to find something new and beautiful hanging on the mannequin.
We bought her a gift for her birthday and for logistic reasons it arrived days after. Instead of a thank you, we got  tongue lashed for giving her a gift long after her birthday.
We never planned it, but just like that, we all (apprentices) stopped coming.
Last week she called to ask why I stopped showing up and begged I come back. The other two apprentice called to say they equally received calls from her to return. We instantly knew she was just swamped with work and needed extra hands plus she reminded us her wedding was around the corner and needed is to start paying up for her ashebi which would cost about #30,000.

No matter how good you are at your job , or how much you have as a customer with shitty attitude, at some point, people would choose their peace of mind over whatever you're offering.
Social skill is very key to everything we do.


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