Prove them wrong.

I was watching a cartoon with my kids today and a superhero was assigned to train a Princess in order to protect earth.
The superhero never gave the Princess a chance. Always taunted her at every turn, on how she was pampered, had maids at her beck and call and always dressed up fancy. 
On and on the superhero trainer went and barely invested her time to actually training the Princess.
Well, the time came for the Princess to face the tests that would qualify her as a protector and to the amazement of her trainer, she aced it.

Same is applicable to real life scenarios.
Ever driven out and someone with a lesser car, tricycle or bike almost bashed you, yet insulted you by calling you blind?
Was driving once with hubby, a pedestrian ran in front of our car, yet turned to call hubby ritualist.

Ever seen somebody beefing you for being intelligent, buying something,having a happy home, looking good, buying a car, having a job, having a wealthy background or parents who toiled enough to make life easy..?
These persons are actually like these because they wish for what you have and already pictured them in your shoes.

Never let them pull you down. Be careful of how you relate with them but be committed and focused to prove them wrong, such that the next day they see you, things surely would've grown for the best.


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