Ultimate search!

I grew up knowing that Mum was the computer/safe box of the house.
Nothing gets missing under her watch, and she had a special gift for sniffing out anything missing.
My Dad on the other hand would require us picking after him cos he looses everything as he goes and most times comes accusing us to provide his stuffs that he gave to us for keeping.

One time Dad wanted going out and claimed he gave his car key to Mum upon his return the previous night.
Hmmmmmmm oh how we turned the house upside down!
I can vividly remember the labouring, sweating, searching every corner, we even sweep the whole house out just to be sure. Guess where we found the key? 

The other day, Dad kept insisting he gave Mum some documents based on the fact that we give Mum all our documents, and anything important as she always knows where to file them. He literally could've sworn he gave it to her if he was asked to.
Two days later, Mum found it in his office when she went to pick something.

Is there some kind of mysterious law that states that once a man gets married, he automatically can't remember where he places anything anymore? The wife has to be the custodian of everything or else!

All hail our mother's oh.
Till date, there's nothing you request from Mum that she hasn't stashed neatly away somewhere.


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