Which group do you belong to?

Growing up in the home of a clergyman has allowed me the privilege of seeing alot of finny things people do.

Well, this couple came to make their intentions known about getting married. We were all joyful at the beautiful news until as is the practice of the church, they were directed to go do some pre-marital tests and it was discovered they were both AS.
This simply meant the church couldn't wed them and conveyed same to them. The couple came at the church with how much they've prayed and fasted, when they saw it didn't work, the resorted to emotional blackmail. Upon seeing that the church was unbending in her stand, the left church, got wedded in another church. It's been a few years down the line and I've lost count of how many times this couple has called my parents to pray over their kids being hospitalized. Yes, you rightly guessed, the two kids they have are both SS.

My next door neighbour Gbemi was a beautiful soul. This Lady was everything happiness. There never was a dull moment with her. Gbemi always had a funny gist or some crazy joke that will have everyone laughing. The same way she made us laugh was the same measure with which the fear of God always came upon us whenever Gbemi's crisis starts.
We successfully graduated the university and served, two years later Gbemi died. Nothing other than the usual crisis.

That guy is saying I love you. 
You too have been driving your chocolate Baby from one hot joint in town to the other.
It's almost one year into the relationship and you've not bothered about blood group, genotype or any other health challenges.
You collect list and then go for blood test and next thing you're standing under the shower crying 'God why me?'.

Next time somebody says 'Hello pretty' remember it's never too early to ask for their blood group and genotype.


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