Wickedness or selfishness?

Today I'm just here to rant oh. How do people live with themselves, carrying on with wickedness and selfishness rooted in them?
Yesterday I had an altercation with some men. They parked by both sides of a tiny road (double parking), as such I couldn't drive through, so I signaled to them by pressing my horn at them so they could make room for me to pass but they just looked at me and went back to whatever they were doing.
After several minutes of horning without any responses, I helped them block the road properly with my car and went about my business in the market.
By the time I returned the road was completely blocked and the men were ranting raving and heaving like dragons 🤷. They finally ended up begging me to move my car.
As a road user, do you car about other road users?
You drive and park anyhow, you cross the road anyhow...

How about others who use things carelessly?
Ohhhhh it's government property so I'd use it anyhow. By the time you're done using that thing, no other person can have it because you'd have destroyed it.
It's company car so, why maintain it?
It's a public restroom, why clean it after myself?
Public library so, I can take any book and not return.

Today, let's live with the consciousness of how our actions or inactions would affect those coming after us.


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