Accurate time keeper!

'Babe please start getting ready so we'd be there in good time' hubby said.
Of course as the good wife that I am, I wouldn't want my hubby and I to be late for any occasion, not to mention such a high profile, strictly by invitation dinner.

Well, 15 minutes to start of event and we were racing through traffic like two blood thirsty maniacs.
Hubby is gifted with a penchant for going early, doing things early and I, the important thing is that I always deliver. Or hubby don't I?🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Isn't that what counts?

Marriage will test you
The way I can't seem to understand why hubby is always in a hurry is the same way he must be wondering why I take my time to get things done.
Sometimes I tend to ask him if he's part of the security or cleaners and he'd ask if I'm the Host or special guest of the occasion.

Whatever the case, we somehow always manage to get ourselves to wherever we need to be.😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Na only God fit help us.

Name one crazy character you and your spouse see to have in opposites.


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