Behind the shadows

There's this movie series I follow on Facebook. It's pretty interesting to watch with loads of morals. The movie series is centred on relationship, marriage and in-laws.
Yesterday something caught my fancy. After watching, I decided to go through the comment section and among the comments was a funny one that stood out; the sister in-law of a friend, Tamina.
In this episode, the MIL and SIL succeed in chasing the wife of the man away, then began celebrating.

Tamina's sister in-law wrote a lengthy comment condemning the act, raining curses and all the drama
Reality check: Tamina's sister in-law is the devil herself. There have been millions of times Tamina would call me crying.
How about the crazy kinds of troubles she's always instigating?
Young marriage looking like a war zone.

So many persons are on this table. Online they're super nice, kind and all, saying the right words, displaying the right character but they are manipulative and unkind beneath it all.
Do good, be good. Live and give the kind of life you want to be given to you.
Everybody is perfect online, but what do we actually do behind closed doors?


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