
Just watched the video clip on the internet of a brother who threw his sister a surprise on her birthday with the trumpets, a big cakes, some more gifts and he kept spraying money on her and their mum.

First, the environment of their house where he was doing all these wasn't by any chance a tush neighbourhood, just a family trying to get by.
Further more, the denomination he was spraying her is one of the lowest Nigerian currency. 
However, one look at the face of his sister and mother and one could see genuine love, care and affection amongst them.

Took me back memory lane of all the countless times my brothers have come through for me. Times they've broken their savings for me, times they've given me their all, a billion times I've turned their wardrobe to my shopping mall, times I've done crazy things/mistakes and I'll call them up and just dump it on their laps and sure enough, they'll clean up after me.

I see my kids displace same magic. How dare you touch my daughter in the presence of her elder brother except that you're spoiling for a fight? Big brother D for no reason jokes with his baby sister. To get to her, you must first go through him. He has come several times charging at me from his room like an angry bull at the sound of his sister crying.

Brothers are everything in one. From bodyguards to pseudo husbands and more but the most beautiful of all is that wherever you go, you're confident that there's an army backing you up.
To the men( our brothers always pulling through for us, we thank you).


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