Enjoying everyday; time lost can never be regained

My heart was so warmed up, just watching my new born baby girl, my precious perfect angel from God.
Hubby was strutting around with so much pride at the arrival of his Princess. He took so many pictures and uploaded it to share the news of her birth.
This would be the only picture my baby girl would have in a long long while.

I was all excited but then little by little my perspective shifted from staying positive to seeing everything childbirth had done to me.
When I had my first child I was lost in the joy of being a first time Mum and couldn't pass on an opportunity to take pictures of and with my baby boy.

When my girl came, I was grateful for the blessing of my daughter but I was so lost on all the changes my body had undergone that I missed out on precious moments.
I never got to take so many pictures which equalled to creating and saving memories of that phase in both of our live.
I rarely have pictures of my baby girl in her early days.
I was sad about how I went from that slim fit girl to having gained weight which swore not to go away.
I didn't take pictures, didn't want to see my new looks on any camera
I didn't do mirrors except I was going to church.

It took a year and almost six months before I began to see the beauty again 
The beauty of having carried and nursed two wonderful children with this body
The beauty of going under the knife and being alive, with my baby
The beauty of being called a mother
The beauty of being blessed.
I spent my time caring too much and complaining oh how my body changed.

Today I wish I could turn back to hands of time so I could save up those precious early moments of my Princess but then I've learnt and grown to love the new me and I do not take any moment for granted.


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