Every step counts!

Hubby came home from the mechanic workshop and the stories he told got me rolling on the ground with laughter. Why? The guys are the workshop all through his stay were trading imaginary stories amongst themselves of how they'll become billionaires and painting the town red.

One wished some single rich Babe would become his customer so much so that he'd begin frequenting her house to service her cars and she'd fall in love with him and 5heyll get married (jackpot)!
Another said he wished to become the personal mechanic of a billionaire who'd just love him and in a year or two just decide to change his life and he'd become the latest Baby boy in town.

What did they have in common?
-Zero educational background with little or no interest in pursuing one
-All of them were dodging from being assigned any work as apprentice but chose to sit at some corner gisting while their boss worked
-They all had pipe dreams.

Every step matters in life. There's a progression. You can't jump from Basic 2 to become a 200level university student.
Wherever you are per-time, do what you need to do.
Some say Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and some other billionaires were dropouts and still made it in life, so they either become careless with their studies or completely dropout. Well, the joke's on you cos these men have gotten themselves several certificates.
Then you're employed or enroll to be an apprentice but show up with no enthusiasm, zeal or interest in doing the job. How do you achieve excellence and then standout?
You say Oga is wasting your time because he's been showing you just one thing for the past two weeks. You just enrolled and in two week you want to dismantle a car and fix it? No be juju be that?🤷🤷🤷
How about having real dreams and goals?

Many don't want to follow due process because we think we can lobby and bribe our way through.
There's no shortcut in life,every step to achieving greatness counts.


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