Find the balance!

'Spare the rod and spoil the child. The rod is for correction, that's what the Bible says. The Bible cannot lie'  Mummy Paul kept screaming her opinion and wouldn't listen to other opinions. Five years later, her son became the gang leader of the area.

There's a time and place for everything and not everything deserves a parent going physical.
Growing up, I can count the number of times my Dad flogged us, that's not to say he didn't but he chose to mostly use his words.
His resultant effect of his words were more potent than flogging us.

Given the way our parents of old disciplined their children, if flogging was to be the determining factor for children to turn out right, then we never would've had back kids back in the day.

Parents should be sensitive enough to know when to apply different methods of correction on their kids. So many parents have so beayen their kids into a stubborn resolve to do things however they please and damn the consequences. They have become hardened, which  is the very opposite result the supposed discipline and flogging was to achieve.
 Some things are just simple mistakes that cost nothing like breaking a dish, pouring water on the floor, wetting the bed. Meanwhile somethings are deep rooted fundamental issues that deservves to be addressed like lying, stealing, cheating...
As parents, let's learn to strike a balance in disciplining our kids so as not to drive them in the oposit direction or eventually loose them totally.
Know when to flog and when to talk.


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