Happy worker's day!
One would be tempted to think the smiles on the face of the workers, employers and government is real.
Actually it indeed is real until it's time for the workers to get their pay.
The government even declared a public holiday in honour of the workers but there's hardly any state in the country that isn't owing the workers. Not just one or two but months that have turned into years and we have our government officials throwing parties and living lavish lifestyles.
The pay of some workers can barely carry any family bill. What is the present minimum wage? And when the workers embark on a strike it is seen as though they just like trouble.
No no no if you think it ends there you're wrong.
How about individual employers of labour who dehumanize, enslave, maltreat and even withhold the pay of their staffs?
The Holy book says and rightly so, that a labourer is worthy of his wages but here, the labourer is at the mercy of his employer.
As we celebrate the holiday how about take to opportunity to talk to ourselves to be better people to our workers.
From a better work environment, to a good pay.
Happy worker's day and a happy new month!
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