I'll work harder!

Boxer's mantra in Animal Farm 'Napoleon is always right' and I will work harder' lee to nothing but his death.

Companies, organisations, offices and even down to our homes, this same thing can be seen. There's even a saying that states that the reward for hard work is more work.
You find a staff who's willing and enthusiastic about learning, work is thrown his way, he learns, some more are thrown at him and he keeps learning. Little by little, he grows to become very good and an indispensable part of the company. Every work is virtually sent to him.
Co-workers first get ignored cos they didn't show that much enthusiasm, and also little by little they become religated to the background, and without their skills being horned nor are they given the opportunity to showcase what they can do.

Finally, Mr Excellent worker is now indispensable, nothing can be done without him. This creates serious problems in any organization;
1. The hard worker becomes overburdened and might die off, quit, relocate or get another job.
2. The other staffs become under used, religated or hide their skills
3. Could become a breeding ground for conflict and jealousy amongst staffs

Same goes in a family. There's that one child who's always called upon  to do chores or run errands even when other children might be present.

At home or in an office setting, a balance must be in place.
No matter how hardworking a staff is, learn to use others, this affords them the opportunity to be trained as well and your company won't go underground or all it's activities at a stand still because a person didn't show up.
In my husband's former department before his transfer to another, his Boss refused to employ more hands into the department. Instead of employing more staffs, he said ' Uchenna can do the work of 10 men. There's no need for any employment'.
Do not overburden your excellent staffs so they don't burn out, die or leave!



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