Laying great blocks

The alert was yet to be received but Motunde
had spent it all.
She had also developed the habit of taking  salary advance just to be able to fund her lifestyle.
She had the latest luxury brand and all.
One look was enough to assure anyone that  she wasn't playing. She was in touch with the latest trends and of course was a girl of high taste.

Donald on the other hand was a very great guy. The minute he steps into a place, everyone was sure of having a good time. You can never be with him and not be sure of maximum enjoyment.
A very generous fellow, he believed his 'thing' was also meant for everybody, friends and family, so once his salary comes, he's meeting one need or the other of family people, he's making payment for some committee and more.

Whatever the reason, these two didn't have any form of investment.
In this day and age having an investment should be the topmost priority of any young and even old person.
Hmmmmmmm before you buy that new bag, save, new wardrobe, save, electrician light, poor man...
You never know when it would rain.
Save! Save!! Save!!!
Invest, invest, invest, no matter how little, do it and your future self will thank you.


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