
Hilda did it!!

Hilda Effiong Bassey, a chef popularly called Hilda Baci decided to set a new world record for the longest duration a person to cooked continuously without break.

Was it easy? well, looking beyong the cooking itself to the physical exhaustion she would have felt for the first 24 hours, then 48, then 72 hours, one can only begin to contemplate the hours of work she had to put in.

It is said that success has many father's henve in like manner we, the eaters associationwho made sure that the food cooked doesn't go to waste must be applauded. It's not easy to choose to submit your tastebuds as a living sacrifice to enable Hilda achieve the feat that she has.

I do not have the details of the preparations and sponsorship for the cook-a-thon, but knowing how Nigerians react to business owners and start-ups, one would have expected that great numbers of doors would have been closed behind her with an emphatic "NO"... however it is the perseverance, the endurance to keep in track that the world is celebrating today.

And it is that perseverance that every winner can attest to. I am sure that there have been moments of self doubts and that doubting voice that will always question your sanity. but this is what it means to be a victor.... One must learn the art of perseverance, mixed with the Can-Do spirit.

Let us keep the faith and persevere and we will always win.


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