Good men exists!

It has always been a common place to hear negative things said about Dads. From 'they're deadbeats' to 'they don't ever spend quality time with the kids or family in general '.
How about the true father's out there?

Growing up, I remember my elementary days and how my Dad always helped me in getting my homework . He patiently practiced handwriting with me until my handwriting became beautiful. He wanted going everywhere with me,so I was never starved of his company or attention.

How about my husband?
From the minute we started dating, to the point where the kids came onboard, hubby has always been hands-on.
After Omugwo and my Mum had left, hubby took up the duty of bathing our son, morning and night, was always there to carry him, change his diapers, cuddle him, feed him or pacify him.
He was really good at it such that when our second child came, it was only natural seeing him run around our Princess and till date he's still the best with the kids.
What doesn't he do?
Sitting with the our Princess and I while we make our hair
Cooking delicious meals
Mopping the house or washing the restroom?
The list is endless.

There are very wonderful men out there and I've tasted it both from my Dad and my husband and we're intentionally raising our kids to be such wonderful people to everyone they come across and the entire society at large.


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