Happy father's day: Not all men are scum

The negative narrative always travels faster, the negative story is the first to be believed. Sometimes is so adds up that when you speak the truth, people do nothing but just stare at you and nod while you speak.

The narrative that men don't care, are self centered in terms of goals, dreams and accomplishment and wouldn't push their spouse to also be that driven, that men are chronic liars and cheat, lots more.

These negatives are so popular but they're not true.
There are still father' tbat care
There are still father that love
There are still father's that will give their all to see their kids succeed and prosper.
Today, we therefore,thank you for all your sacrifices of love and we pray for more strength.

I've been blessed to enjoy a wonderful relationship with my Dad,
And then I also got to see the love and humanity from hubby.


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