Have you asked questions?

A smart man learns from experience
But a wise man learns from the experience of others.
It doesn't necessarily have to happen to you before you know what to do. It mustn't be until you've sank and lost your savings in that project or business before you realize it was a faux; ask questions.
You mustn't write a million times and be equally rejected to realize what the business wants or how they operate; ask questions.
How about rushing to buy landed properties just to 'pepper them' and now 16 others are claiming ownership here and there with you; Did you ask questions?
Fine boy, fine girl, this one must be the perfect match. Eight months later you're playing Celine Dion and crying from heartbreak; you ask questions?

For everything you want to do in life, there's someone who has been there and done that. So why not tap into that wealth of experience instead of personally going through the merry go round? 
Learning from the experiences of others actually shortens/saves time for you that you would've spent going through the rigours of learning by yourself.
Do not to so quick to run off into anything. Many never survived it. Some lost their lives, some lost their money, some lost their health, others,their family and more.
It would cost you nothing to sit at the feet of an experienced person to learn and if it's not that sort, the internet is there to guide you. So sit down and learn before launching yourself or your ideas out.


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