Growing up, there were things I considered capable of posing as the greatest challenge of one's life; career choices, spousal choice, place to live, number of kids to have, projects to embark on...
How wrong I was!
I didn't realize that in life they are other forces that might look so simple but are stronger than us.
The strongest force I believe are our kids.
Ohhhhh yes, we are the parents, the adults of course, the decision maker however with kids it's a case of 'power jam power'.
Have you tried putting kids to bed? Especially toddlers?
The minute you say 'bedtime' it's like the war of Armageddon.
You tuck them in to bed only to hear
Daddy I want to pee
Daddy I want to popo
Mummy I want to eat
Mummy I want ...
At this point, they suddenly remember all the things they'd have wanted, the lost, destroyed
They're always a last minute reason for not sleeping yet 🤣🤣🤣
Trust me it can be so so frustrating but what can we do? Children are a reward from God.
Their power pass our own