Raising them right.

It was bed time and the kids were all excited about it. Next thing my son shouted 'Grandma, I want to pray, I want to pray!'
My Mum was pleasantly surprised and asked him to pray.
The young boy sure delivered!
His passion, sincerity and love could be felt in his words
His tenses accurate
And the prayer, so child-like but genuine and potent.

My Mum couldn't stop admiring and commending hubby and I about the kid's performance.  She was so proud of him and wouldn't stop smiling.
She went as far as promising him so many goodies which she delivered as promised first thing the next morning.

Raising kids is not a day job. One has to be deliberate and intentional about everything concerning them from the food they eat to life principles we want to imbibe in them.
It surely won't happen overnight but continuous teaching is the secret.
You'd wake up one day to find that they've begun acting out those things you've been teaching. This therefore means we should also be careful about what we do cos they're watching and are more 0rone to imitate what we do.


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